OMSHO literally means Creation
Shamiana is Transformation - of physical, spiritual by creation of sacred space in which to process. Omsho Touch@ Omsho Shamiana is the therapeutic style that we have developed over the decades of doing bodywork. It is normally painless (sorry pelvic decompression/release work can be painful) . Each session is custom to the needs of the client based on real time assessments - not old statistics. Your sessions will transform as you transform. Meeting your needs in the now is it's goal while keeping track of the therapeutic outcomes desired. We have taken transformation into a whole new realm of healing in action. Welcome to something new! |
Payments are not longer accepted via paypal.
We do directly accept credit card payment (fee applies) or bring sufficient cash to cover payment of care. We also accept Venmo prior to your appointment. This is to prevent wait times for the next client. |
Payment for remote consultations & sessions are paid in advance via bank transfer or Zelle.
Credit card is now accepted Remote Therapeutic Work
Remote Consultation & 1st session - $3,000 pesos - $200 USD one hour of video conference (facebook, whatsapp etc) Following sessions of remote work - $2000 pesos / $125 USD: YES I work with clients around the world, providing remote body scan, readings and therapy interventions via energetic means. I've worked with space clearing, re-balancing work relationship and space organization as well as remote healing after auto accidents and accidental drowning. I've worked with clients that are also passing over via remote work. Additional therapies, services or products may be available or recommended that are not yet listed on the site. Shipping fees are not included in any product recommendation and must be paid prior to sending. IN MEXICO shipments only if drop shipping isn't available directly to you in the USA. No other foreign destinations. |
Therapeutic Care Rates
Cash/Pesos/Mx Bank Transfer rate shown here. Pre-Payment via Zelle accepted Credit Card (added fee) Accepted via Mercado Pago MX paypal NOT accepted 1st Consult/Treatment : $3,000 pesos
Due to the nature of the work - there is no way to separate seeing from doing. All Therapy time is charged in 50 min segments. Your consultation will include treatment as a natural progression / process of the session. This is why we do not charge a separate consult fee any longer. 1st session may last well over an hour as there is a pre and post treatment time invluded. Normal sessions average 50 minutes. The Omsho Shamiana: Blended Therapy. It's what your body needs right now. YES you can ask for care of a specific area and/or type also. Average consultation is 20-30 minutes as the lead in part to a treatment session. Separate is up to 45 minutes. Treatment is 45-50 minutes average occasionally longer.
$2,000 per session Weekly session discount $500 per session - prepayment & booking required Any of these therapy types may be included in a normal Omsho session or you can ask for a higher % of this work or for care on a specific area. Want more neck and head? You bet! Lots of back work OK! (Kate created) Painless Tractional Trigger Point Release (PTTPR (c) "it doesn't have to hurt to heal." This work is NOT massage. It's finding and releasing the trigger points within the body. Finding the connected traction points and releasing deep issues. The neck and arms are extra prone to these types of tension issues - where trigger points and fascial tissues bind up. $1,000 - Cranial IntraOral Therapy ~ treatment for TMJ and other cranial traumas
(20-30 min max) $1500~ Pelvic Floor Release ~ Deep Psoas and fascial Release working within and around the pelvic region. (30 minute session max) Can be blended into a Shamiana session. Avg 15-20 minutes
$2,000~ BioSomatic Touch Breath Release
This is NOT massage but may incorporated in touch therapy. This is breath and trigger point activation/release work. The body will often undulate and creating a sense of undulation or vibration as it releases old carried energy knots. BioPsychoSomatic Therapy is designed for PTSD, Trauma , autonomic memory recovery etc It resets, releases and re-aligns energies, memories etc. ADD THESE SERVICES TO YOUR CARE OR REQUEST INDIVIDUALLY
$800 ~ Light Therapy / Polychromatic Light / Low level laser therapy: Pain, Neuropathy, wound healing, PTSD/Stress/TBI etc (20-30 min) $2000 - Light Therapy and Reiki 30 min $1500 ~ Reiki 30 min $2500- Hydro flotation therapy (not available in winter months) Ionic Foot Detox (IFD) Therapy $800 per person (can treat 2 at once) Getting the Gunk Out! Literally! IFD therapy removes debris and heavy metals plus gives a clear picture of issues g0ing on in the body. From medicine reaction in the liver, kidney congestion, adrenal fatigue or distress, intestine leakage that can indicate food allergies to just poor absorption etc. (up to 60 min) |